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Who We Are

Who We Are

Shofu-en is a name given to Heritage Bonsai Tasmania by Urishibata-san, which translates to ‘bringing the teachings of Taisho-en’ to Heritage Bonsai Tasmania from Japan.


Chris Xepapas

Heritage Bonsai Tasmania Shofu-en is owned and operated by Chris Xepapas. Chris Xepapas has 27 years experience . Chris has also recently studied in Japan several times under bonsai master Urushibata-san and Fujikawa-san.

With over 27 years experience with Bonsai in Tasmania, we have noticed the lack of quality in Bonsai in Southern Tasmania, and the "Stick in Pot" becoming accepted as a Bonsai. We are here now to try and educate the public in the correct course of Bonsai in all its forms, that is pruning, potting, development, shaping and maintenance.

We can supply Bonsai from seedlings to "Finished Bonsai" and we can assist in the advice, development, and sales of Bonsai.

Book an appointment or call +614 3938 3365 to schedule a visit.


Urishibata san

Urishibata san