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Heritage Bonsai Tasmania Shofu-en

Welcome to Heritage Bonsai Tasmania Shofu-en

Our aim at Heritage Bonsai Tasmania Shofu-en is to provide you with the best bonsai experience possible, be it with sales, service, or just visiting to view our bonsai collection.

Bonsai is a Living Art
Bonsai is the beautiful art form of many countries and is practiced on a truly global scale. The wish to enjoy living plants - their growth, beautiful flowers, fruits and leaves - as closely as possible is common to people throughout the world. The Japanese have expressed this wish in perfecting the art of bonsai.

The literal meaning of bonsai is “potted plant” but at Heritage Bonsai Tasmania Shofu-en we know bonsai is more than that. It is the attempt to represent nature itself in a small pot. A bonsai conveys the impression of an old huge tree, a forest, or landscape in nature, but at the same time a living tree. Nurturing such a small piece of nature over many years can become a source of pleasure and recreation.

Don’t go out and try to create a bonsai. Instead try to create a tree in miniature.
— John Naka

By Appointment Only